that I look at my blog on a daily basis wanting there to be a new post. Like it's just going to appear straight from my head onto the page for all to see. I guess it doesn't happen like that because everytime I look, I'm disapointed.
This Christmas season has been so fun. I really enjoyed this years holiday. Kip and I had a very laid back time. I actually got quite a bit of time off from work, and I am currently enjoying my last 4 day weekend before the new year starts up again. It's going to be hard to readjust to working 5 days a week.
I can't wait to post pictures of our holiday so you can see all the fun things that happened. We spent Christmas eve with the Phillip's family (That's my mom's side of the family) and then we spend Christmas morning at home alone with the pups, and then went to my parents' house for the rest of the day. We also saw National Treasure on Christmas day and that was very exciting. It's a great movie if there is anyone out there debating whether or not to go, DEFINATELY GO!
On a side note...I like to sleep in frigid temperatures. While Kip would enjoy sleeping everynight without sheets and have the house at eighty degrees. So on occasion (yes tonight is one of those occasions), I will "treat" myself to sleeping in the guest room. I slide the window all the way open and bundle up in my most cozy sweats, put all the down comforters we have on top of me and sleep like a little baby. Sounds blissful doesn't it? I know Kip is missing out. He's in our room sleeping warmly with the heat and the puppies. He's definately from Arizona. And maybe I'm crazy...but DreaDale gets me!
Please if anyone else has a website to share we'd love to keep in touch that way. I love posting on ours and showing everyone whats going on in our life! So hopefully if any of you have one, or are making one, please share the link with us so that we may enjoy your site as well!
Have a great New Year!!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
It's funny
Posted by Prentice at 12:31 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Waffle anyone?
kate and mom in the hotel on our trip to Salem for shopping!! (mom you have something on your shirt! but I won't tell)
This was the belgian waffle bar! Mom was so excited that they had belgian waffles. This to me was a great dissapointment to the waffles we were expecting. And I laughed everytime we walked passed them. Sorry mom, no belgian chef to create our waffles this weekend.
Here I am standing next to the "C" block to represent my name at the best outlet mall! It was the Woodburn outlets! It was great fun!
This is the huge tree that lights up, purple YES! Green, red, blue, you name it, it turns that color. (And it's coordinated to the music even)
Waffle anyone?
Posted by Prentice at 10:59 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Tis the Season
As you've been watching I've been posting a lot of pictures. Hopefully they can kind of express what our life has been like this season. We shared our first and most fabulous anniversary in November, we went to Tucson for a family reunion for Thanksgiving, and since then we have just been decorating and enjoying the Christmas season.
Something that has been going on is a lot (and I mean a LOT of elfing). So I thought that I would pass on to everyone out there all the elfing that has really been going on. These are very funny to watch and hopefully you'll get some enjoyment out of them. Be patient sometimes they take awhile to load. But they are definately worth the wait. Especially if you know the people in them!
Type in your browser bar:
then you're going to type the number that corresponds with the elfing you want to watch to the end and go.
Hailey and Kiersten with Hauna: 1148947318
Drea, Kyle, Kip & Christie: 1148947590
Ryan, Laura, & Baby: 1130067075
Jenna & Will: 1129299754
The Prentice Men: 1164584847
The Golf Group: 1149641613
If you have any problems figuring out the site just email me! Otherwise enjoy all the elfing!!
Kip and my plans for the holidays include nothing. We are just going to hang out at home, and with family and enjoy the time together. Last year the season was somewhat sprang upon us because we got married in November and we were still recovering from the honeymoon, and the next thing you know it's Christmas. So we are excited to spend the season together and enjoy what feels like our first Christmas together. We even put lights on the HUGE tree in our house, and Kip and Kyle were nice enough to cover the outside in lights as well! Those of you who are able, shoudl drive by! It's a beautiful sight and I'm blessed to be the one that gets to live there!
The baby pictures you have been seeing are of Charles Jovan Hansen. He was born on our anniversary which is November 4th. We were so blessed to know that our family was revieving such a beautiful gift on our special day. Now our anniversary holds even more wonderful memories. Jovan is still in the NICO downtown but is thriving and doing very well. I was so fortunate to get to see him last week and hold him. He's just a little bitty! But beautiful and so cute! I've never seen what his mother and he share first hand. She talks to him and he just responds like nothing you've seen, even if he's sleeping his head turns towards her. It's wonderful to watch, and we are honored to share a small part in this journey with them. Congratulations to daddy Chad who graduated this month! We are so proud of you and hope that this is the start to many more wonderful things! (For those of you who don't know, Chad is my first cousin, and his wife Kica, my cousin by marriage, are Jovan's parents. So now I have a second cousin in Jovan)
Well here's to the Holiday Season. We hope that you all spend it with the people you love. The people we can't be with this season we greatly miss and can't wait to spend time together soon!
Thanks for checking in with our blog!!
Posted by Prentice at 9:18 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Charles Hansen III
Posted by Prentice at 1:49 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Chad & Kica
Posted by Prentice at 1:13 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 12, 2007
Meet Cocoa!
Cocoa Profile This my friends is Cocoa! She is a new addition to our family as of tonight. I know I know some of you are asking why I'm referring to a purse by name (yes creatively chosen by me) and as a new member of our family. Well this is the reason. My lovely husband thought it might be nice to buy his wife a Coach "tote" for her birthday. And seeing as how today is my birthday, Cocoa and my relationship was BORN! She's beautiful isn't she? I can barely pick out a purse on my own, and so I realize what a hard task this was and how wonderfully my husband knows me and which "tote" I would look best sporting! So thanks to my husband and I appologize for the neglect you may feel in the next weeks due to my new budding relationship!
Posted by Prentice at 9:20 PM 1 comments
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Benadryl dogs!
Posted by Prentice at 7:14 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Grey's Anatomy-Christina
I just want to say that I love Christina's desire for disaster. I think it's kind of humorous that she always gets so excited about the sickest injuries and wants the most gruesome surgeries. I could never imagine having that desire, I think this is why I find it so humorous!
Posted by Prentice at 9:43 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
New Things
So there is lots to talk about! Where to start. Well I guess as you all know, season premiere week has come and gone. I don't know how you feel but I do think that I definitely have some favorites, and some not so favorites.
I do like Greys...given! Kip's favorite is NCIS, and then of course there are all the other great shows, Private Practice, Kid Nation (although I couldn't handle the chicken killing episode, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry), SVU, and countless others. I'm still on the fence about LIFE, I'm not sure that I understand completely it yet. It's a good show I think, but I'm waiting a couple more weeks before I make my final judgement. Let me know what shows you love, which shows you don't!
Our Little Angel
Add to My Profile More Videos
This video is fantastic! This is Chad and Kica's baby! I hope that you enjoy it! Life is such a precious sight! I'm so excited and elated for them!
Have a great week!!
Me on our bed in our suite in Maui on our honeymoon!!
Posted by Prentice at 8:31 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Welcome to the World
Posted by Prentice at 5:27 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Women...these panties rock! They are from You should definately get some. They are a good price on and don't fret when you get them because they do look as if they would not fit a toddler, however have faith! They really do fit, it feels like you aren't even wearing undies! It's great, and very minimal panty lines (as least from my view).
**Hanes, notice the above FREE advertising and feel free to contact me for my appropriate compensation** thank you and good buy!
Posted by Prentice at 1:44 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 17, 2007
Boy was I NAIVE
Let me preface this by saying that I love my wife very much and I can't imagine my life without her. She is a very funny, intelligent and caring person and those are only three of the million reasons I love her. That being said I have come to the conclusion that there is an actual difference between men and women. For all of my years prior to being married I truly believed that the only reason women weren't as big of sports fans as men was because they didn't see the drama, comedy and love stories so deeply engraved in sports. Thus the title of this post, "Boy was I NAIVE". As I said before my wife is very intelligent and I have tried several times to explain to her that in a single sporting event you will have as much drama, comedy and (yes) love stories as you would in any one of the shows she watches but to no avail. (i.e. Grey's Anatomy, Will and Grace, Big Brother, etc.) Drama is the easy aspect to explain in sports, your team tied or down one point with 10 seconds or one out to go, that is drama. Comedy is even easy to explain in sports, who hasn't laughed out loud at the commentators while watching a game or even seen a play that looked so ridiculous you had to laugh at the pure clumsiness of said play, even some of the stories behind players cause laughter. (This is to say nothing of the commercials during sporting events, especially SportsCenter commercials.) Now love stories are more difficult to explain when it comes to sporting events, but what woman out there didn't kick themselves when they found out they missed the live proposal after the Fiesta Bowl of Boise State Bronco's Ian Johnson and then to hear his then girlfriend and now wife Chrissy Popadics say "YESSS!!" Also I challenge every woman out there to watch any of the Road to the Final Four shows about players and/or teams personal struggles without shedding a tear. But the true love stories are the personal each person has for THEIR team and the emotions one goes through during a game THEIR team is participating in. (I use "THEIR team" because each fan is a part of the team reagardless of what others may think.)
My point is that sports have the same story lines as any show ever made and ever to be made. It starts fresh with the viewer knowing they will be taken on a ride just not which ride that will be. It ends with a closing befitting the plot and along the way there may be tears, laughs, yelling, hanging of head in shame or embarrassment but always the viewer is left wanting more and looking forward to next week or even next season. Whether you agree with my take on sports or not, the point that can't be denied is the fact that men don't tear apart the shows women watch so please, all we ask is to not take away our sports nor persecute us for spending entire days engulfed in sports. Just view it as a Grey's Anatomy marathon, every weekend, that we can not miss, and leave it at that. Thank you.
Posted by Prentice at 8:40 PM 1 comments
Labels: Ian Johnson, men, sports, women
I second that...
I totally second that! Sports Gal is the best!
see this link for the complete archive! Hilarious...
Posted by Prentice at 1:40 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Fall LineUp
Alright everyone, the time is ticking and every minute we get closer to one of the best weeks of the year! SEASON PREMIRE week! So I'm compiled a list of shows, their network, start date and time. (This is all mountain time so please adjust accordingly!)
- Wednesday, September 19
7pm on CBS Kid Nation - Sunday, September 23
8:00 on CSB Cold Case - Tuesday, September 25
7:00 on CBS NCIS
8:00 on Fox House
9:00 on NBC Law & Order SVU - Wednesday, September 26
7:00 on CBS Kid Nation
8:00 on ABC Private Practice - Thursday, September 27
7:00 on ABC Ugly Betty
8:00 on ABC Grey's Anatomy
9:00 on CBS Without a Trace - Saturday, September 29
7:00 on NBC Dateline
9:00 on CBS 48 Hours - Sunday, September 30
7:00 on ABC Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
If there are any shows you would like me to add to "THE LIST" please let me know! These are just shows that I enjoy, some of them more than others. If you hear anything about changes in the schedule please let me know so I can change THE LIST! Happy Watching!!
Posted by Prentice at 7:28 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Dumdy do...
Well lets see. I guess a few things have happened since my last posting. My parents got a pool.
Here are a couple of pictures of me in the pool. They didn't even have cement around the outside yet, but we swam anyway. The heat wasn't even working yet, but we swam anyway. It was purely breathtaking. And when I say breathtaking I mean that in the most literal way possible. You got in, and it felt like someone had knocked the wind out of you. Fortunately we had a couple of floaties, and it was really hot out and so it wasn't horrible. This is me in my "This is what Cool looks like" shirt, with the sleeve of the shirt on my head, my sister and I were being HOMIES, and the pups. they weren't to sure of the water, but the week after this, Mia was jumping in and out of the pool onto a floaty, and seemed to enjoy it! So needless to say we've been doing a lot of swimming. Well I have been, Kip is kind of a chicken and says that the water (84 degrees now) is too cold. HAHA! That's funny to me because everyone else thinks that it's almost a little hot. But it's great, and with the weather outside cooling down it's going to be nice to keep it at that temp. I will hopefully post some more exciting pictures when we take them of more swimming. So with that said, I started having this really icky pain in my right ear. I just started feeling better from a horrible one week cold. I don't know what it was but it was horrible. So I thought that my ear pain was just caused by a little bit of congestion hanging out in my head. Finally after using the phone for a week at work and going through this pain, I asked if Dr Lindsay would look at it, and sure enough I have swimmers ear. I have drops and hopefully they will resolve the problem, but I feel like such a goon. I should have realized.
My sister's foster daughter Amanda left us. She is now residing in Virginia with her Aunt and Uncle who plan to adopt her. I think that it's fantastic that she is now with family, however it's kind of strange and sad not having her around all the time. I know that the dogs miss her for sure. She would be the first one out back to throw the ball for them, and the last one out back (still throwing the ball for them) and then she would lay on the couch and cuddle with them while they all slept, exhausted from all the ball throwing. They loved it! So even though she's gone we still think of her often and hope that she's doing well with her new family and new school.
BreAnn is about to have a baby in Bellingham. I read her blog daily to catch up on the things that they are going through. It's nice to have insight and be somewhat close to someone even though they are so far away. She's going to have a mini-ZeeDaisy! I'm so happy for them. If anyone is interested their website is I can't believe she's almost to the end of her pregnancy, it feels like just a month or so ago she was telling me she was pregnant. It's so fantastic! Just over 3 weeks and she'll have a little one keeping her up allll night. Not that he's not already keeping her up, I guess sleeping when you're 8months pregnant isn't the easiest!
Business...UGH! Let's get down to it, even though I'm really really annoyed, I have to bring it up, because I just can't handle it all really...I'm so mad that Jessica and Eric aren't in the Big Brother House anymore. I really was hoping that one of them would go to the final two, if not both of them. I'm not happy with the remaining people in the house, I'm not sure at this point, that I care who goes to the final two, I don't want any of them to go. But that's not an option so here we are waiting for someone I DON'T WANT to win, to win. UGH! It's really quite annoying. And I know what you're thinking, Just stop watching, it's not that easy really it's not. This is a commitment, I started with BB8 from the very first episode, and now that I've watched so many hours of BB8 I can't count them all, I have to be faithful until the end. You never know what's going to happen on BB8, they always seem to have something up their sleeve.
The other thing I'm hanging on to Big Brother for is because I can't wait to see Jessica's reaction when she finds out that Eric was America's player. I think that deep down she kind of blames him for her demise in the house. (Which she should), and I think that Eric is definitely somewhat responsible for it, because of how America had him voting to evict. I think it would have been a totally different game if Eric wasn't America's player. That's how it went this season though, and it made it pretty exciting. Hopefully Jessica will understand better and know that Eric truly did have her best interest at heart but just couldn't vote the way he wanted to. Maybe Eric will even share some of his prize money with her. We'll see!
Here's a little clip from a show that might be interesting to watch. It's on tonight (Sunday) on NBC's show Dateline. (I love that show)
"All across the country millions of innocent wives are caught in a love triangle, battling for their husband's attention with the players of their favorite sports teams.
Now, in a Dateline hidden camera challenge, the wives are fighting back by catching their unknowing husbands on videotape while they watch a game. Josh Mankiewicz reports."
So if that sounds familiar to anyone, watch the show. I'm kind of interested myself to see it! Although I don't really have to battle for my husband's attention, he's really good about still "seeing" me even though a game might be on. I'm trying to do better by not coming to ask him questions or talk to him when it's a big turning point of the game, and I know that sometimes I always show up right at the WRONG time in the game, so I'm trying to understand that that's frustrating to him, because he's has committed all this time to watch the game, and the moments that are exciting I'm ruining! Ugh, I'm just not sure I'd be all that happy if someone walked in on Grey's right when there was a huge turning point. So I totally understand and I'm really trying to be better! Ladies, if you are having this problem, especially now that Baseball is coming down to the wire, and football has begun, I've found that reading is really the best way to be together while still "watching sports" I just sit and read book after book, while Kip watches Game after Game, that way we can still be together but both be entertained!
Alright that's enough TALK for today, I'm going to go mow the lawn so my husband doesn't have to when he gets home from Golfing. I hope everyone is doing well, and BB8 is on tonight. YAY! (internal grunt...ugh). I just hope they show the sequester house!
Posted by Prentice at 10:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: Big Brother, Pictures, pool, pups, TV
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
This movie comes out on Friday finally! I'm so excited. If you haven't read the book you should!

Posted by Prentice at 1:06 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Oh too cute!
Kip sent me this website and all of you dog lovers out there are going to enjoy it! You can enter commands for the dog like: sit, jump, sing, fetch etc. It's so cute! Enjoy
PS These dogs are the best kind!
Posted by Prentice at 11:21 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
0 |
These are pictures of the progress at my parents' house. They are diggin a hole for people to swim in. Good news! They just recently decided to put a POOL in the hole! Fabulous, we are going to be living the high life! There are also pictures of my uncle driving a tractor and pulling out the tree. If you look at the big green tree, look closely there is a man in the top of it! Crazy! Mia and Mona are in there with their new haircuts. And also Millie and Emma (my parents' dogs) are showing their sadness because they can't run around the entire yard! OK well tomorrow (Wednesday) they are going to crane in the pool, and I hope that my mom gets pictures!
Posted by Prentice at 8:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: Pictures
Monday, August 13, 2007
"Boo-Yah Baby"
This is Jessica celebrating her new reign as HoH! GO JESSICA, we are celebrating right along with you. Although I wasn't jumping up and down and falling out of my shirt (funny) I was still very happy that you won HoH.
For the best part of Jessica's HoH...she put up Dick and Danielle! HALLELUJIAH! I'm so happy and I hope that they nominations stay the same and one of them (I wish they both could) GO HOME! We don't want them in the house anymore. It's not fun, it's not productive, it's just annoying! So please BB8 houseguests, please vote them out! I don't care who, just one of them. Maybe next week will be the double eviction week and they will send out Jen and Dick! Fantastic! They haven't had the double eviction week yet but it's bound to happy (Right BreAnn) and also, like BreAnn reminded me, they have yet to vote back in a houseguest America chooses. They have done this in previous years. Who would YOU like to have return to the BB8 house? Let me know! I am unsure. I think that Carol would be a good one, because she's very random and didn't really have a chance to PLAY at all, so no one would know what to expect from her or her game play. I think that it would also be great IF NO ONE were voted back into the house. I think that house is finally making forward progress and I don't think that any backpeddling is necissary! The other thing I would love to see, is if the "big group" of (Eric, Jessica, Jameka, Amber & Dustin) if they backdoored Amber and sent her packing! UGH get her out too, she's my next vote of "most annoying" after Dick and Danielle are gone! Let me know what you think! TATTA
Posted by Prentice at 1:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: Big Brother, TV
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Weekend of Nada!
This weekend for Kip and I has been very relaxing. We are just hanging out around the house. Kip is playing video games and I am trying to read the latest Harry Potter book front to back in two days. I'm half way done, and I'm sad to say that unless I stay up until midnight tonight (not happening) then I probably won't finish it until later this week. I haven't been feeling well all weekend and so I've been in bed taking medicine, sleeping, and of course reading. It's been nice in Boise, less than 100 degrees and sunny. I'm pretty sure it's nice at least, I don't think that I've been outside yet.
Yesterday (Saturday) we had to go pick up Drea's cat from the vet and take her home. She has a drain in her side and she was so scared and sad, but I was glad that we could help make her feel a little better by getting her home while Drea was at work. I know that she is going to be so happy that Drea is home now, and I hope that someone will work for her so she can stay home with Twitchy.
Mia and Mona have been good girls sleeping with me, and laying with me while I read. They sometimes wander out to the living room to see what Kip is doing. They go outside bark for a couple minutes and run back in to lay with me. So all in all it's been a pretty uneventful weekend. I am trying to feel better before work tomorrow and Kip is trying to decide which video game he wants me to get him for his birthday by renting them and playing to find out which is best!
Also Big Brother is on tonight! So we'll be watching that, and I'm sure posting on the outcome of tonights epidsode! Until then...
Posted by Prentice at 11:59 AM 0 comments
Labels: weekend
Friday, August 10, 2007
Adios and HELLO

JESSICA IS HoH! I'm so happy! I really wanted her to win! I initially wanted Eric to get HoH, but if someone else was going to get it, our next choices were Dustin & Jessica. We really want Jessica (by we, I mean Kip and I) to target Danielle and or Dick this week. We would really like to see Dick get evicted and I hope that he throws himself on the chopping block like he says he would, in sacrifice of his daughter Danielle. If you do not watch this show, I'm sorry that you probably don't understand what I'm saying, but the rest of you know exactly what I'm talking about and what's going on.
Posted by Prentice at 2:37 PM 1 comments
Labels: Big Brother, TV
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
I'm crying for all the "good" people.
Okay, seriously. Amber enough with the crying. I understand that you're emotional, I've been there, I am there, constantly. However, come on! This is getting out of hand, I don't understand what you say when you talk because I'm so used to hearing you and listening to your "cry talk" and I know that you are crying for all the "good" people, but news flash, they don't care, not as much as you do apparently. You're are the ONLY ONE crying about it, whatever it is, you stand alone! Seriously, you aren't doing yourself any favors!
Posted by Prentice at 7:46 PM 1 comments
Labels: Amber, Big Brother, cry
Friday, August 3, 2007
My Farewell
*Cue sappy slow instrumental music*
Nick, we've had some great times (watching you fall in love with a girl who is unavailable), we have also had some hard times (yelling and cussing at anyone who "threatens" said girl), and even though we didn't get close (do we really know ANYTHING about Nick, aside from the fact he really wants Danielle, likes to work out, and has rediculous hair?NO! Well I guess we know that he has a top 5 list for girls & GUYS...weird) I think that our journey here was fun. I am sorry that you are leaving this week (because the drama will significantly subside), but I hope that whatever you do and where ever you go you are happy (pining away for Danielle who HAS A BOYFRIEND!). Good Bye
Obviously I'm not a HUGE fan of Nicks, he was good for some entertainment value, but as far as being a good player, I think not! I think that he was "sloppy" and I think that he didn't really go for what he wanted (aside from Danielle) and I totally agree with the fact that "falling into a showmance" can greatly deter you from the origional goal. UGH! So Farewell dear Nick, get your head shaved and get rid of that pubic hair on your face, and you'll be ready for your new start in reality - tv!

Posted by Prentice at 9:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: Big Brother, TV
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Tuesday Night
It's Tuesday night! Which means one of two things, one thing nothing happens on Tuesdays...second thing it means BIG BROTHER is on! It was good pretty dramatic. And then I'm watching BB After Dark on HBO, and OMG lots of drama, lots of fighting, it's pretty crazy...the house is a shakin! I love it! :D I love the drama, and I'm yelling at the players constantly about what they did do or what they should do.
Dustin should totally have taken the trip and the money in the veto comp. HELLO, either way he gets what he wants, anyone who was playing would follow through with the "master plan" so what did he have to lose at that point. Anyway...I'm just saying Dustin has a TRIP and 5000.00 and he still got his way as far as the veto Ceremony! WonDerFul!
Then Evil and Daniell and Jen and Nick are all fighting. Everyone is fighting, it's a tea dumping bitch slapping war! And it's wonderful!
Posted by Prentice at 11:16 PM 2 comments
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Oh Puppies...
You Should Own a Yorkshire Terrier |
Lively, sweet, and easy to carry. |

Posted by Prentice at 2:28 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Hot Saturday

Posted by Prentice at 8:52 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
This woman just came out with an incredible CD. If you have not heard her music you must get online and check her out. She's awesome. Definately a good new artist to buy! Fantastic!
Posted by Prentice at 12:29 AM 0 comments
Posted by Prentice at 12:18 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 23, 2007
Big Brother 8-athon
Well Big Brother 8 has been on for about 4 weeks now. I haven't commented on this season yet, I've been waiitng until I really had some opinions and such to share with you!
First of all lets start with some of the "showmances" as they are respectively called on big Brother.
Danielle and Nick, obvious but still worth commenting on. Should they or shouldn't they showmance? Uhm, I'm not sure, I think that it would be good for dramatic sake, but at the same time I think that Danielle should stay true to her boyfriend at home. However, I feel like if I were outside the house and my significant other was inside the house cuddling on a hammock with another person, then I would probably be a little upset. So we shall see where it leads!
There aren't really any other relationships in the Big Brother house, but that doesn't stop me from forming opinions on who SHOULD have a showmance.
Now you might disagree with me on this but I definately think that Eric needs to "make a move" on someone. I think that America should vote on WHO this special someone should be, but I think that Eric defiantely needs to make a move on someone! Tee hee, I was thinking maybe Jessica or Amber. What do you think?
I also think that maybe some guy should totally hit on Jen. I do NOT like Jen, and I want her OUT, she's soo annoying, and I really want to fast forward when she's on, but I'm afraid I'll miss something. But BB after dark has been an enlightening experience. I find myself glued to the TV and I want to tell on peoplle so bad, I talk to the TV and I feel like an idiot! I do talk to them, and mostly I yell at Jen because she's so annoying and I want her to BE QUIET. So I think it would be funny if she got played! (I know I'm so mean)
OK well, this week Jen and Kail are on the block, I'm sure that Jen wins the veto and then Dick puts up Mike. I want Kail to go home this week. I also think that Jen needs to go home next week. If I could pick the next HoH I would definately pick...Eric. I think that would definately stir up the house a bit, because Eric doesn't really have a "side" and it might cause some drama to see who he really wants to help and who he doesn't. I also think it would be great to see Jessica win HoH, because no one thinks she's a "player" and they wouldn't know what she would do! I like that, I like when it shakes the house up!
I definately think that they need to get a pet though! Wouldn't be cool if they had a BB Dog! He could be called "Bro" or something. They defiantely need a pet in that place, A) to keep them distracted and busy and B) who doesn't want their dog on National Television! Mia is volunteering!
Ok, well we'll see tomorrow night what happens with the Veto (even though I already told you) and then on Thursday we'll see who gets evicted and who wins HoH.
Until then! Please let me know what you think about BB8~ tata
Posted by Prentice at 6:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: Big Brother, Opinions, Reality, TV
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Burny McBurn
I got a sunburn awhile ago. As all of you well know. Last night the pain was so bad on my chest that Kip took me to the ER at about 11pm. We waited for quite awhile and when I was finally seen they told me that "I'm lucky, I won't have to have a skin graft." I was like "Excuse me" That didn't even cross my mind, I just wanted some miracle aloe or some heavy duty neosporin or healing cream. I just wanted them to tell me how to treat it so that it would stop hurting. It hurt to wear a bra and then it hurt not to. It hurt to lay on my back and it hurt to sit. We called Kip's mom, who is a nurse, to ask her opinion on the situation. She told us to try a couple of things and if that didn't work to go to the ER. So we tried those things and I was still in a lot of pain. At the ER they put on what I now refer to as "Fairy Dust" because it's amazing. It's not even a dust, it's a cream. And it's incredible. Instantly it relieved my pain and has continued to work as relief on my chest for the last day. So I'm going to continue using it until my bottle of Fairy Dust is gone! So thank you to the staff at the Saint Luke's Meridian ER. I thought I was going to cry in pain all night, and thanks to them I slept and am well on my way to healing. Kip has a picture of me in my hospital gown that he will post as soon as we can figure out how to get the picture off the phone.
I have to thank my fantastic husband, for remaining calm through my upset. I was crying all night, and he was still very gentle with me and still very concerned for my well being. Even though he had to be up early today, he was willing to take me to the ER and sit with me through the entire night, and then he brought me home, put me in bed, and went to sleep. He only got a few hours of sleep before he had to get up and go golfing. So thank you to my husband for not only being the man of my dreams, but for putting up with me and being my constant support. Mentally, emotionally, and phsycially, you are there for me constantly. I know that I can count on you and I appreciate it more than you will ever know! Thank you for your love.
I love you!
Until next time!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Thursday, day before Friday. Day after Wednesday. Not much to say. The sunburn has been peeling, it hurts. Not so much the peeling, just the raw skin underneath. Ouch. My Fault....oh well!
Posted by Prentice at 10:40 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Sunday, July 15, 2007
PS-From Christie
I would just like to add a little to Kip's wonderful post about our Lazy Saturday. It was great laying out in the sun, over the sprinkler. However, the sun is BRUTAL! Seriously, I'm so dumb. My wonderful husband offered me sunscreen many times. (Take the hint Christie) but no no, I didn't. So I just lay there with my bare skin unprotected in clear and strong view of the sun. Do you ever feel like the sun was after you because it knew you weren't wearing any protection? I DO! The sprinkler kept me cool, and therefore all my inner temperature guages were tainted! The result? You guess it I'm SUNBURNED, I'm talking can barely move because my skin is so tight and leathery. SO GROSS, Kip is helping me, and constantly offering me his help. which is great, I wouldn't be able to feel better without him. I have done many layers of aloe and I finally did the cold soak this morning in the bath, it was brutal but I'm hoping that it drew some of the heat out of my body. My body is so hot (heat wise) and yet I'm so cold. It's aweful, but it's at my own hand! ARARHG, I'm so dumb! Kip totally knew that I needed sunscreen, and I was dumb and didn't listen to him! So thanks to Kip for taking such good care of me! And aside from the sunburn we did have a fantastic lazy Saturday.
Posted by Prentice at 1:34 PM 0 comments
Lazy Saturday
Saturday was a good relaxing day for Christie and I though it didn't start out that way. I started the day by watching Tairia and the USA Softball team kick the Dominican Republic's BOOTAY with a final score of 9 - 0. I stayed as quiet as I could so Christie could keep sleeping, we didn't get to bed the night before until 2 a.m. on account of seeing the late show of Harry Potter. (By the way the new Harry Potter movie is GREAT.) So I was watching softball and Christie was sleeping. I had made plans earlier in the week for us to go play volleyball up at Sandy Pointe, a little state park by the Lucky Peak reservoir just outside of Boise. So I woke Christie up at noon, which is early for her since we didn't get to bed until 2, so with only 10 hours of sleep she was a little cranky and I felt bad for not letting her sleep. But we got on our way with a little help from Starbucks and alot of apologies from me. We got up to Sandy Pointe and apparently it is JUST out of cell phone range, so not seeing our friends Terry and Amanda Dumont we drove down a little ways until we got cell phone service again and I called Terry. They were just about to leave their house to go up to Sandy Pointe, they had gotten held up at the bank for quite some time which I do not envy them for. By this time it was 2 o'clock and we were all supposed to meet at 1 at Sandy Pointe, and since Christie and I had a previous engagement later that day at 5 we decided to bow out of playing volleyball and go home and relax until we had to get ready for dinner. Well just as we were almost home we got a call cancelling our dinner so with no other plans we went to Target to see about getting som lawn chairs so we could layout in the back yard and get some sun. Unfortunately lawn chairs are made of gold or some other precious metal and the prices reflected that so we decided against that, but we did see a hammock with stand at %50 off so we got one of those, and I am glad we did. We got home, we put the hammock together and then Christie layed in it in her swimsuit with the sprinkler going under her to keep her cool due to the 100+ temperature. She layed in the hammock, I layed on a towel in the grass and I read while she listened to a book on cd. It was very relaxing and I thoroughly enjoyed relaxing together, getting some sun and not worrying about a thing. Apparently though Christie enjoyed the Hammock a little too long and she got SUN BURNED. I feel bad because she is in pain but it does look kind of funny with just the front of her red and the sides and back white. I don't think we will be enjoying the relaxation of our new hammock today but maybe again next weekend after her pain has alleviated. But that was our Lazy Saturday and hopefully we get to do it several more times this year.
Posted by Prentice at 11:07 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 12, 2007
My Cousin The Olympic Gold Medalist
I have to give a BIG SHOUT OUT to my cousin Tairia Flowers, she was awarded the MVP of the Canada Cup softball tournament. She had rediculous numbers, .650 (13 for 20), 10 RBI and three homeruns. She helped the USA softball team go undefeated through the tournament and continue their domination of fastpitch softball (this is almost the exact same team that won the gold medal in the '04 summer Olympics in Athens). You know that team, the team that gave us our pride back after our mens baseball team didn't even make it past the qualifier.
I mention this because this weekend starting tomorrow, 7/13/07, is the KFC American Challenge Series and most, if not all, of the games will be televised on ESPN. So I invite you to sit and watch a game or two so you can see just how good this team is, not to mention Tairia. In the Canada Cup tournament Tairia played first base so hopefully they will keep her at that position and you all get a chance to see her in action.
I will keep you posted after the weekend but I just wanted to let you all know about the tournament this weekend and get some support for the USA Softball team. Plus get Tairia some more exposure, it is very exciting having an Olympic Gold Medalist in the family. If you would like to read up on your own here is the website for you,
Posted by Prentice at 9:10 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Let's Give Em' Something to Blog About...
This should be Idaho Steakhouse's new moto. Kip and I decided that we were going to try something new tonight and dine out at a new place by our house. We have been eagerly watching construction as they built what seemed to be "our new hang out." So tonight, two weeks after opening, we decided that we should finally go and give it a try. There are constantly cars lining the streets to go in a see what's new at Idaho Steakhouse.
The buzz has been positive for this upcoming new Steakhouse. People have been excited to promote and support a local business. So we thought yeah that's a bandwagon that we'll get on!
Here is a rundown of our experience tonight:
First, when we walked in the hostest asked how we were and then just stared at me. It was very awkward and uncomfortable, so finally I just said "TWO" and she put our name down. So then we only had to wait 10 minutes (maybe) it was probably not that long at all. We get to our table that was up against pillar and it was nice. It was really hot outside, so it was going to be a great break to sit and have dinner. We sat opened our menu, and I was prepared for a slightly pricier meal, which it was going to be. When the waiter came to our table and put our napkins in our laps I thought, "Ok this is a 'Nice' restaurant." So we proceeded to order and get our drinks. Then dun dun dun it started.
Positive things:
1) It's a new building.
2) It's close to our house
3) They didn't make us wait a lot
4) The bread was yummy and they have Rasberry butter (weird but good)
5) The bar was nice (we weren't in it, and from our angle behind the pillar)
6) Our busser was nice!
Negative things:
1) The hostess was awkward.
2) The waiter took our oder, and then disapeared (we didn't see HIM again until he came to collect our money)
3) Kip ordered salad and I ordered soup, he got his salad, and I had to ask for my soup (about 20 minutes later) which they brought out to me, and then promptly brought our dinner our before I even had a chance to eat the soup.
4) I didn't see one table (except us) who didn't complain about something. (That's a RED flag)
5) We finally got our water, (I guess that's the bussers job, and the waiter was too good to get us water)
6) It took longer than usual to get our food. And apparently they were having "problems" in the kitchen.
7) The menus were falling apart. When you open them up (and put them back together) the ink was smeared on the menu and the prices were big, the standards didn't seem to meet their prices. (We'll talk more about price in a minute)
8) I ordered the "Rasberry Chicken" I thought, hey this is an classy restaurant and I should try something a little different because I bet that it will be fantastic and I'll have to have it everytime. WRONG! I was SO WRONG! I think I had one bite, and gave Kip one bite and was done! EW! It was gross, and I don't ever want to see it or smell it or taste it again.
9) Kip and I both ordered the smashed red potatoes. When we got our meal, there were potatoes on our plate but not smashed ones. I know I'm picky, call me what you will, however the lady who dropped our food off (and I mean dropped) said "Oh we're having problems with the steamer so you get roasted red potatoes tonight. HELLO! That's not what we ordered, I mean red potatoes are fine anyway you want to cook them, but might you forewarm someone when you change their meal? Especially when they are paying good money for it?!
10) Kip ordered a steak (it is a steakhouse and all), and they put a side of sauce on his plate. It was in one of those silver dipping sauce cups, and we were like "Oh yum" but when he tasted it, it was Ketchup. KETCHUP! HELLO....enough said.
11) I really didn't feel like their prices were condusive to their service, food, atmosphere, or ANYTHING! Rar...
12) We became friends with the people behind us, because we were all just waiting, we did a lot of waiting....waiting...waiting...everyone was waiting. Your server, you wait, water, wait, food, wait, check, WAIT.
13) IT WAS HOT! I was sweating, hello, we weren't even that close to the kitchen and I was SWEATING, I was practically pleading with my eyes to Kip to get me the hell outta there. So when the lady (server in training) asked us if we wanted dessert, I was about to laugh HELLO NO! No dessert, I want to leave! So can you hurry and go so we can wait for our check now?
So we could get into this, but we thought we'd give you a small overview of our experience. (haha, just teasing about the small part). This was an experience we thought we needed to share with the greater good, especially those of you living in Boise. We don't know if they just need to work out some kinks in their business or what, but we will not be returning anytime soon, and if we do, it will be under the great assumption that everything will blow!
Hope you're glad that we shared our night with you! Please let us know if you have a different opinion about Idaho Steakhouse, we would like to know if anyone has had a pleasant experience.
Kip and Christie
Posted by Prentice at 8:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: bad service, dinner, food, Idaho Steakhouse
Monday, July 9, 2007
I feel like kids at work are this manipulative sometimes!
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Posted by Prentice at 9:17 PM 0 comments
Hot Pocket
Whenever I tell Kip that my back hurts, he always asks me if I just had a hot pocket. Now you'll know why!
Jim Gaffigan - Hot Pockets
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Posted by Prentice at 7:27 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 8, 2007
So I thought I'd give you a taste of our weekend. Kip and I didn't really do anything on Friday night, we were going to watch Spanglish, but then he fell asleep next to me and I just watched the History Channel (What he left on the TV). Then Saturday morning I went and got my hair done. We thought that we were going to go to Salt Lake to meet Kip's mom but we didn't end up doing that. So instead we went with my family to Opperation America Uprising. My aunt Cindy oversaw it, and it was basically an event to support our troops. It was great to see people out there, however I hope that next year there is a bigger turn out. My uncle Jay was telling us some of the things that my cousin Tyler sees and goes through over there. There is a point where I'm really interested in the story, and then all of the sudden I get scared for him. So as interesting as it is to hear what's going on over there, it's not very uplifting. The things that I hear make me respect and support our troops even more.
Then we went to Oceans 13. It was a great movie! Of course if if you liked the first two then you will like this one. After that we came home and hung out, watched TV and stayed up late. We went to sleep at 2am and slept in today. I woke up around 12 starving and feeling icky. So I ate and took some medicine and went back to bed. Kip worked on the laundry because he's the best husband ever! While he let me sleep in the bedroom. He's always so quiet and respectful when I am sleeping. I don't know if he realizes how much I appreciate it! So thanks baby! Then I showered Kip is watching Bourne something. One of them (he loves them). Then he's going to come to bed! We had a good weekend. I hope that all of you did as well! It was hot this weekend but we made it through. (Just in time to face another heat wave). So tomorrow it's back to work, and it's back to another week!
Big Brother was on Friday and Tonight and HOLY COW it's going to be a good season. It's off to a slow start. But there's only been two episodes. Alliances are starting to form, as are enemies! So if anyone else is into it, let me know!
Until Next Time
Posted by Prentice at 9:23 PM 1 comments
Mona & Mia
Sophie (25 pounds)
Sophie just got home at 15 wks old.
Sophie (80 pounds)
Sophie 8 months old
Sophie (130 pounds)

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- Thursday, day before Friday. Day after Wednesday. ...
- still hurts.
- PS-From Christie
- Lazy Saturday
- My Cousin The Olympic Gold Medalist
- Let's Give Em' Something to Blog About...
- Seriously?!?
- Hot Pocket
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