Thursday, September 27, 2007

Welcome to the World

Jase Gilfillan

Welcomed into the world at 6:23pm on Wednesday September 25, 2007.

Weighing in at 8lbs 4 oz.

"He is perfect!" -BreAnn Gilfillan.

I think it's fantastic. The Gilfillans have been waiting for Jase for awhile, and she was so excited to have him early! They are going to be the best parents, and I know they are very prepared for him! I hope they post some pictures, however, being new, first time, parents, I hope they get sleep and take care of themselves first.

Remember BreAnn, sleep when baby sleeps, and "Don't panic." More advice from the office!

I can't wait to hear from you when you get some time! And congrats on having Jase before the season premier of Greys!



Mona & Mia

Mona & Mia

Sophie (25 pounds)

Sophie (25 pounds)
Sophie just got home at 15 wks old.

Sophie (80 pounds)

Sophie (80 pounds)
Sophie 8 months old

Sophie (130 pounds)

Sophie (130 pounds)