JESSICA IS HoH! I'm so happy! I really wanted her to win! I initially wanted Eric to get HoH, but if someone else was going to get it, our next choices were Dustin & Jessica. We really want Jessica (by we, I mean Kip and I) to target Danielle and or Dick this week. We would really like to see Dick get evicted and I hope that he throws himself on the chopping block like he says he would, in sacrifice of his daughter Danielle. If you do not watch this show, I'm sorry that you probably don't understand what I'm saying, but the rest of you know exactly what I'm talking about and what's going on.
Aside from winning HoH (Head of Household), Jessica spent a day this week in bed. The whole day, her and Dustin decided that it would be fun! That is my kind of girl. And although I'm not sure how much I like Jessica I think that she makes the perfect HoH for this week! Congratulations Jessica we're so thrilled!
Until Sunday!!
I am so excited that Kail is gone but more so that Jessica got HoH! I really like Jessica and how she plays the game. It was time for Kail to go and hopefully Dick and Danielle are next in line followed by crazy Amber to head home. Dustin, Eric, Jessica, and Jamica would be my final four.
Christie, I was thinking the other day that every year they usually bring back a player that has already left the house... I am wondering if that is going to happen this year and if so I bet America votes Nick back in.... If that happens we really need to get rid of Dick and Danielle now!
Also, in past years don't they have some double evictions in a week?
Those are my predictions.
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