Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Tuesday Night

It's Tuesday night! Which means one of two things, one thing nothing happens on Tuesdays...second thing it means BIG BROTHER is on! It was good pretty dramatic. And then I'm watching BB After Dark on HBO, and OMG lots of drama, lots of fighting, it's pretty crazy...the house is a shakin! I love it! :D I love the drama, and I'm yelling at the players constantly about what they did do or what they should do.
Dustin should totally have taken the trip and the money in the veto comp. HELLO, either way he gets what he wants, anyone who was playing would follow through with the "master plan" so what did he have to lose at that point. Anyway...I'm just saying Dustin has a TRIP and 5000.00 and he still got his way as far as the veto Ceremony! WonDerFul!
Then Evil and Daniell and Jen and Nick are all fighting. Everyone is fighting, it's a tea dumping bitch slapping war! And it's wonderful!


Elizabeth said...

" and I'm yelling at the players constantly about what they did do or what they should do." - Me too, it's great how watching everything can make the players in the house seem so oblivious as to what's going on!

The Gilfillans said...

I totally think it is holarious that Amber cries so much!... I realized that Daniele cries just as much now too. SO much drama yet it is SO fun to watch! I wish we had HBO to watch the extra stuff. I am now torn on who should get kicked off on Thursday. Kail and Nick are both ok with me to get kicked off.

Mona & Mia

Mona & Mia

Sophie (25 pounds)

Sophie (25 pounds)
Sophie just got home at 15 wks old.

Sophie (80 pounds)

Sophie (80 pounds)
Sophie 8 months old

Sophie (130 pounds)

Sophie (130 pounds)