Did you know that currently Boise has TWO count them TWO Fudruckers? It's amazing! I can't believe it.
When Kip and I were first dating, he took me to Sheridan to visit his family. When we went to Billings we ate at Fudruckers and I was hooked! When we went down to Tucson they had it too! I was amazed! Then Brian told us that they were building one in Boise, I didn't believe him of course because usually Boise doesn't have any of the good stuff! Within the year the first Fudruckers was built and in business and now there is one right by our house! It's great! And of course, has now lost it's appeal. Don't get me wrong it is still great! Another wonderful thing. Boise is getting SEPHORA! I am so excited about this. I can't believe it's taken so long for us to get one. I know we aren't a major city but we like Sephora here! I can't tell you how many people I have talked to that are so excited that Sephora is coming. Hopefully this week! But at the latest by the end of the month. It's going to be a lot harder for Sephora to lose it's appeal than Fudruckers.
When Kip and I were first dating, he took me to Sheridan to visit his family. When we went to Billings we ate at Fudruckers and I was hooked! When we went down to Tucson they had it too! I was amazed! Then Brian told us that they were building one in Boise, I didn't believe him of course because usually Boise doesn't have any of the good stuff! Within the year the first Fudruckers was built and in business and now there is one right by our house! It's great! And of course, has now lost it's appeal. Don't get me wrong it is still great! Another wonderful thing. Boise is getting SEPHORA! I am so excited about this. I can't believe it's taken so long for us to get one. I know we aren't a major city but we like Sephora here! I can't tell you how many people I have talked to that are so excited that Sephora is coming. Hopefully this week! But at the latest by the end of the month. It's going to be a lot harder for Sephora to lose it's appeal than Fudruckers.
Most of you know it's been a rough month for Kip and I. Hopefully that will end soon. I will say that through this hard time I've been learning a lot about myself and my relationship with my husband. If nothing else, it's made us a stronger couple, and even more in love. I was thinking the other day that I'm so lucky that I get to have such an amazing man by my side during hard times and without him how much harder things would be. So for that I'm continually blessed! Thanks honey for loving me, and being so strong for me. I appreciate your reassurance and your constant support and understanding for my feelings. MWHA lovey.
Stay tuned for overdue wedding photos!

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