Well this week has been a busy week for Kip and I. Although it hasn't really felt busy when you think about it, we've really done a lot. So I'm going to break it down for you, show you some pictures and hopefully you can get a feel for the week that we've experienced.
Saturday: Drea and I went to the Scrapbooking store (LOVING IT) and spent money we shouldn't have spent. okay. Then we came home and Drea tried to make something for her wedding and I tried not to laugh at her when she was saying foul words to the table! Kyle came over and Kip and he played Drakes Fortune (or something) and Drea and I listened to the funny sound effects that Kyle makes while playing Playstation. Very Entertaining! Kip and I then went to a friends house, Terry & Amanda, and caught up with them and hung out for awhile. Then we went to Arby's ate in bed while watching the Arizona game on speed play. Sadly they had lost earlier that evening.
Sunday: We woke up (I woke up rather late) and we hung out playing Mario Galaxy on the Wii (a very fun game for anyone who was wondering. Around noon we got a call from Chad saying that they were at home and they were home with Jovan!! What great news! We were so happy for them. We wanted to take them dinner so that they would have something to heat up when they were hungry and didn't have to think about it. So we went over to their place and got to hang out with them and not have a nurse interupting us every ten minutes (no offense to you nurses out there). It was just really nice to get together and talk and hang out. When Jovan woke up to eat we got to see him and hold him! We were so excited!

After going to their house, we went out to dinner for my Dad's birthday. I think that he was turning 25 or something. Anyway! that was really fun, we went to Barbacoa. It is a newer restaurant in the area and it was so yummy!
Saturday: Drea and I went to the Scrapbooking store (LOVING IT) and spent money we shouldn't have spent. okay. Then we came home and Drea tried to make something for her wedding and I tried not to laugh at her when she was saying foul words to the table! Kyle came over and Kip and he played Drakes Fortune (or something) and Drea and I listened to the funny sound effects that Kyle makes while playing Playstation. Very Entertaining! Kip and I then went to a friends house, Terry & Amanda, and caught up with them and hung out for awhile. Then we went to Arby's ate in bed while watching the Arizona game on speed play. Sadly they had lost earlier that evening.
Sunday: We woke up (I woke up rather late) and we hung out playing Mario Galaxy on the Wii (a very fun game for anyone who was wondering. Around noon we got a call from Chad saying that they were at home and they were home with Jovan!! What great news! We were so happy for them. We wanted to take them dinner so that they would have something to heat up when they were hungry and didn't have to think about it. So we went over to their place and got to hang out with them and not have a nurse interupting us every ten minutes (no offense to you nurses out there). It was just really nice to get together and talk and hang out. When Jovan woke up to eat we got to see him and hold him! We were so excited!
After going to their house, we went out to dinner for my Dad's birthday. I think that he was turning 25 or something. Anyway! that was really fun, we went to Barbacoa. It is a newer restaurant in the area and it was so yummy!
Monday was New Years Eve:
Frasiers + Mario Galaxy Prentices + lack of sleep
New Years Day
Kip and I hung out, I don't think that I took any pictures that day. Just the ones right after midnight.
then we worked...until Saturday. January 4th!
as you can see we had a very productive day on Satuday! We hung out with Chad and Kica and Jovan! It was quite the day, Kica and I hung out with baby and scrapbooked! Chad and Kip...well I think it's pretty obvious what they did!!
Then we went home and Kip did laundry and I played with the pups!
Sunday mom and I went to the mall! Then monday we worked! I went over and hung out with Kica and Jovan! It was Kica's Christmas!
Today is Tuesday and this is a little glimpse at today!
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