Enjoy our valentines day with us!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Bissell Dog!
Isn't this the cutest pup you've ever seen? If you think so! Then go to www.bissell.com on Feb.26th-Feb.29th to vote for her! She is so cute and cuddly and definately deserves to win Dog of the week!! So please vote for her and tell all your friends to do so too! Thanks
Kip & Christie
Posted by Prentice at 9:32 AM 0 comments
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Here's wishing you a Happy Valentines Day from us, using Jovan!(Thanks for the picture Chad and Kica) He's quite the cupid!
Posted by Prentice at 10:04 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
What's Going On?
So the other day I was watching SportsCenter which usually puts me in a euphoric state, but this time was different. They were doing a story about Senator Arlen Specter from Pennsylvania wanting to investigate the NFL, the Patriots, and Bill Belichick over the way the NFL handled “Spygate”. I actually had to change the channel, apparently Sen. Specter feels left out from all the baseball and Roger Clemens hearings. But I do feel safe and secure knowing that since the Senate has fixed all of Americas other problems - war in Iraq, terrorism, social security, etc. – they can focus on the really important issues like which All-Star baseball players actually used steroids and when. Shouldn’t investigations into illegal drug use be done by actual law enforcement and not by a group of people who want more face time on television for when re-election time comes around?
Really, that’s what our elected officials find more important than bringing our troops home? Who cares if professional athletes use steroids or illegal drugs? I know some people will say “but athletes are role models to our children”. Great, so if professional athletes were drug using, murderous, rapist, racists our children would all turn out that way as well? Do our elected officials and some parents think these role models are raising the children of America? At what point do the parents take responsibility for their children not being able to say no to drugs? When did it become ok for parents to stop raising their children and then blame role models for their children’s mistakes?
While I’m at it, why does it matter if professional athletes use illegal drugs? How is an athlete using performance enhancing drugs different from a politician accepting bribe money? Both cases give each person an advantage whether it is physical or monetary, and both cases have the potential to ruin careers and lives. Not all politicians accept bribes just like not all athletes use performance enhancing drugs, but some do so why isn’t there an investigation into politicians taking bribes? So again I ask why does it matter if professional athletes use illegal drugs? I do not condone the use nor am I proud that I am part of the problem. We all are part of the problem, if you have ever watched a baseball game and either hoped for a homerun or cheered your head off for a homerun you are part of the problem. We as fans love the long ball so owners go after homerun hitters so some players do what they can to hit the ball further to get the big money contract. Baseball was never more popular in my lifetime than during the homerun race between Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa, or even during the Chase for Hank Aaron by Barry Bonds. No, homeruns will never go away from baseball (thank God) but as fans we can start appreciating the small ball aspect of baseball, the sacrifice bunt, sac fly, stealing bases and the like. Unfortunately that is not the fix that is just to add to our enjoyment as fans, to fix the steroid problem in sports there does need to be investigations, just not by congresspersons and senators. Let’s leave their time free to bring our troops home safely and timely, ensure social security for future generations, and dare I say balance the national budget while bolstering the economy and growth of our great nation.
Posted by Prentice at 7:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: baseball, congressional hearings, steroids
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
It has been snowing in Boise a lot this winter. I can't believe that when I think it's all melted and gone for the year, I wake up the next morning to find the ground covered and the dogs drowning in crisp new white snow. I think that it's beautiful! It does take some extra time to get to work and a little more concentration to drive. But I think it's worth it! I have a video of Mia jumping through the snow that I want to put online, but I haven't quite figured out how. So hopefully you will have that soon!
Posted by Prentice at 12:14 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 4, 2008
Booming Boise
When Kip and I were first dating, he took me to Sheridan to visit his family. When we went to Billings we ate at Fudruckers and I was hooked! When we went down to Tucson they had it too! I was amazed! Then Brian told us that they were building one in Boise, I didn't believe him of course because usually Boise doesn't have any of the good stuff! Within the year the first Fudruckers was built and in business and now there is one right by our house! It's great! And of course, has now lost it's appeal. Don't get me wrong it is still great! Another wonderful thing. Boise is getting SEPHORA! I am so excited about this. I can't believe it's taken so long for us to get one. I know we aren't a major city but we like Sephora here! I can't tell you how many people I have talked to that are so excited that Sephora is coming. Hopefully this week! But at the latest by the end of the month. It's going to be a lot harder for Sephora to lose it's appeal than Fudruckers.

Posted by Prentice at 5:30 PM 0 comments
Mona & Mia
Sophie (25 pounds)
Sophie just got home at 15 wks old.
Sophie (80 pounds)
Sophie 8 months old
Sophie (130 pounds)