Thursday, September 27, 2007
Welcome to the World
Posted by Prentice at 5:27 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Women...these panties rock! They are from You should definately get some. They are a good price on and don't fret when you get them because they do look as if they would not fit a toddler, however have faith! They really do fit, it feels like you aren't even wearing undies! It's great, and very minimal panty lines (as least from my view).
**Hanes, notice the above FREE advertising and feel free to contact me for my appropriate compensation** thank you and good buy!
Posted by Prentice at 1:44 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 17, 2007
Boy was I NAIVE
Let me preface this by saying that I love my wife very much and I can't imagine my life without her. She is a very funny, intelligent and caring person and those are only three of the million reasons I love her. That being said I have come to the conclusion that there is an actual difference between men and women. For all of my years prior to being married I truly believed that the only reason women weren't as big of sports fans as men was because they didn't see the drama, comedy and love stories so deeply engraved in sports. Thus the title of this post, "Boy was I NAIVE". As I said before my wife is very intelligent and I have tried several times to explain to her that in a single sporting event you will have as much drama, comedy and (yes) love stories as you would in any one of the shows she watches but to no avail. (i.e. Grey's Anatomy, Will and Grace, Big Brother, etc.) Drama is the easy aspect to explain in sports, your team tied or down one point with 10 seconds or one out to go, that is drama. Comedy is even easy to explain in sports, who hasn't laughed out loud at the commentators while watching a game or even seen a play that looked so ridiculous you had to laugh at the pure clumsiness of said play, even some of the stories behind players cause laughter. (This is to say nothing of the commercials during sporting events, especially SportsCenter commercials.) Now love stories are more difficult to explain when it comes to sporting events, but what woman out there didn't kick themselves when they found out they missed the live proposal after the Fiesta Bowl of Boise State Bronco's Ian Johnson and then to hear his then girlfriend and now wife Chrissy Popadics say "YESSS!!" Also I challenge every woman out there to watch any of the Road to the Final Four shows about players and/or teams personal struggles without shedding a tear. But the true love stories are the personal each person has for THEIR team and the emotions one goes through during a game THEIR team is participating in. (I use "THEIR team" because each fan is a part of the team reagardless of what others may think.)
My point is that sports have the same story lines as any show ever made and ever to be made. It starts fresh with the viewer knowing they will be taken on a ride just not which ride that will be. It ends with a closing befitting the plot and along the way there may be tears, laughs, yelling, hanging of head in shame or embarrassment but always the viewer is left wanting more and looking forward to next week or even next season. Whether you agree with my take on sports or not, the point that can't be denied is the fact that men don't tear apart the shows women watch so please, all we ask is to not take away our sports nor persecute us for spending entire days engulfed in sports. Just view it as a Grey's Anatomy marathon, every weekend, that we can not miss, and leave it at that. Thank you.
Posted by Prentice at 8:40 PM 1 comments
Labels: Ian Johnson, men, sports, women
I second that...
I totally second that! Sports Gal is the best!
see this link for the complete archive! Hilarious...
Posted by Prentice at 1:40 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Fall LineUp
Alright everyone, the time is ticking and every minute we get closer to one of the best weeks of the year! SEASON PREMIRE week! So I'm compiled a list of shows, their network, start date and time. (This is all mountain time so please adjust accordingly!)
- Wednesday, September 19
7pm on CBS Kid Nation - Sunday, September 23
8:00 on CSB Cold Case - Tuesday, September 25
7:00 on CBS NCIS
8:00 on Fox House
9:00 on NBC Law & Order SVU - Wednesday, September 26
7:00 on CBS Kid Nation
8:00 on ABC Private Practice - Thursday, September 27
7:00 on ABC Ugly Betty
8:00 on ABC Grey's Anatomy
9:00 on CBS Without a Trace - Saturday, September 29
7:00 on NBC Dateline
9:00 on CBS 48 Hours - Sunday, September 30
7:00 on ABC Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
If there are any shows you would like me to add to "THE LIST" please let me know! These are just shows that I enjoy, some of them more than others. If you hear anything about changes in the schedule please let me know so I can change THE LIST! Happy Watching!!
Posted by Prentice at 7:28 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Dumdy do...
Well lets see. I guess a few things have happened since my last posting. My parents got a pool.
Here are a couple of pictures of me in the pool. They didn't even have cement around the outside yet, but we swam anyway. The heat wasn't even working yet, but we swam anyway. It was purely breathtaking. And when I say breathtaking I mean that in the most literal way possible. You got in, and it felt like someone had knocked the wind out of you. Fortunately we had a couple of floaties, and it was really hot out and so it wasn't horrible. This is me in my "This is what Cool looks like" shirt, with the sleeve of the shirt on my head, my sister and I were being HOMIES, and the pups. they weren't to sure of the water, but the week after this, Mia was jumping in and out of the pool onto a floaty, and seemed to enjoy it! So needless to say we've been doing a lot of swimming. Well I have been, Kip is kind of a chicken and says that the water (84 degrees now) is too cold. HAHA! That's funny to me because everyone else thinks that it's almost a little hot. But it's great, and with the weather outside cooling down it's going to be nice to keep it at that temp. I will hopefully post some more exciting pictures when we take them of more swimming. So with that said, I started having this really icky pain in my right ear. I just started feeling better from a horrible one week cold. I don't know what it was but it was horrible. So I thought that my ear pain was just caused by a little bit of congestion hanging out in my head. Finally after using the phone for a week at work and going through this pain, I asked if Dr Lindsay would look at it, and sure enough I have swimmers ear. I have drops and hopefully they will resolve the problem, but I feel like such a goon. I should have realized.
My sister's foster daughter Amanda left us. She is now residing in Virginia with her Aunt and Uncle who plan to adopt her. I think that it's fantastic that she is now with family, however it's kind of strange and sad not having her around all the time. I know that the dogs miss her for sure. She would be the first one out back to throw the ball for them, and the last one out back (still throwing the ball for them) and then she would lay on the couch and cuddle with them while they all slept, exhausted from all the ball throwing. They loved it! So even though she's gone we still think of her often and hope that she's doing well with her new family and new school.
BreAnn is about to have a baby in Bellingham. I read her blog daily to catch up on the things that they are going through. It's nice to have insight and be somewhat close to someone even though they are so far away. She's going to have a mini-ZeeDaisy! I'm so happy for them. If anyone is interested their website is I can't believe she's almost to the end of her pregnancy, it feels like just a month or so ago she was telling me she was pregnant. It's so fantastic! Just over 3 weeks and she'll have a little one keeping her up allll night. Not that he's not already keeping her up, I guess sleeping when you're 8months pregnant isn't the easiest!
Business...UGH! Let's get down to it, even though I'm really really annoyed, I have to bring it up, because I just can't handle it all really...I'm so mad that Jessica and Eric aren't in the Big Brother House anymore. I really was hoping that one of them would go to the final two, if not both of them. I'm not happy with the remaining people in the house, I'm not sure at this point, that I care who goes to the final two, I don't want any of them to go. But that's not an option so here we are waiting for someone I DON'T WANT to win, to win. UGH! It's really quite annoying. And I know what you're thinking, Just stop watching, it's not that easy really it's not. This is a commitment, I started with BB8 from the very first episode, and now that I've watched so many hours of BB8 I can't count them all, I have to be faithful until the end. You never know what's going to happen on BB8, they always seem to have something up their sleeve.
The other thing I'm hanging on to Big Brother for is because I can't wait to see Jessica's reaction when she finds out that Eric was America's player. I think that deep down she kind of blames him for her demise in the house. (Which she should), and I think that Eric is definitely somewhat responsible for it, because of how America had him voting to evict. I think it would have been a totally different game if Eric wasn't America's player. That's how it went this season though, and it made it pretty exciting. Hopefully Jessica will understand better and know that Eric truly did have her best interest at heart but just couldn't vote the way he wanted to. Maybe Eric will even share some of his prize money with her. We'll see!
Here's a little clip from a show that might be interesting to watch. It's on tonight (Sunday) on NBC's show Dateline. (I love that show)
"All across the country millions of innocent wives are caught in a love triangle, battling for their husband's attention with the players of their favorite sports teams.
Now, in a Dateline hidden camera challenge, the wives are fighting back by catching their unknowing husbands on videotape while they watch a game. Josh Mankiewicz reports."
So if that sounds familiar to anyone, watch the show. I'm kind of interested myself to see it! Although I don't really have to battle for my husband's attention, he's really good about still "seeing" me even though a game might be on. I'm trying to do better by not coming to ask him questions or talk to him when it's a big turning point of the game, and I know that sometimes I always show up right at the WRONG time in the game, so I'm trying to understand that that's frustrating to him, because he's has committed all this time to watch the game, and the moments that are exciting I'm ruining! Ugh, I'm just not sure I'd be all that happy if someone walked in on Grey's right when there was a huge turning point. So I totally understand and I'm really trying to be better! Ladies, if you are having this problem, especially now that Baseball is coming down to the wire, and football has begun, I've found that reading is really the best way to be together while still "watching sports" I just sit and read book after book, while Kip watches Game after Game, that way we can still be together but both be entertained!
Alright that's enough TALK for today, I'm going to go mow the lawn so my husband doesn't have to when he gets home from Golfing. I hope everyone is doing well, and BB8 is on tonight. YAY! (internal grunt...ugh). I just hope they show the sequester house!
Posted by Prentice at 10:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: Big Brother, Pictures, pool, pups, TV
Mona & Mia
Sophie (25 pounds)
Sophie just got home at 15 wks old.
Sophie (80 pounds)
Sophie 8 months old
Sophie (130 pounds)