This movie comes out on Friday finally! I'm so excited. If you haven't read the book you should!

This movie comes out on Friday finally! I'm so excited. If you haven't read the book you should!
Posted by Prentice at 1:06 PM 0 comments
Kip sent me this website and all of you dog lovers out there are going to enjoy it! You can enter commands for the dog like: sit, jump, sing, fetch etc. It's so cute! Enjoy
PS These dogs are the best kind!
Posted by Prentice at 11:21 AM 0 comments
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Posted by Prentice at 8:07 PM 0 comments
Labels: Pictures
This is Jessica celebrating her new reign as HoH! GO JESSICA, we are celebrating right along with you. Although I wasn't jumping up and down and falling out of my shirt (funny) I was still very happy that you won HoH.
For the best part of Jessica's HoH...she put up Dick and Danielle! HALLELUJIAH! I'm so happy and I hope that they nominations stay the same and one of them (I wish they both could) GO HOME! We don't want them in the house anymore. It's not fun, it's not productive, it's just annoying! So please BB8 houseguests, please vote them out! I don't care who, just one of them. Maybe next week will be the double eviction week and they will send out Jen and Dick! Fantastic! They haven't had the double eviction week yet but it's bound to happy (Right BreAnn) and also, like BreAnn reminded me, they have yet to vote back in a houseguest America chooses. They have done this in previous years. Who would YOU like to have return to the BB8 house? Let me know! I am unsure. I think that Carol would be a good one, because she's very random and didn't really have a chance to PLAY at all, so no one would know what to expect from her or her game play. I think that it would also be great IF NO ONE were voted back into the house. I think that house is finally making forward progress and I don't think that any backpeddling is necissary! The other thing I would love to see, is if the "big group" of (Eric, Jessica, Jameka, Amber & Dustin) if they backdoored Amber and sent her packing! UGH get her out too, she's my next vote of "most annoying" after Dick and Danielle are gone! Let me know what you think! TATTA
Posted by Prentice at 1:42 PM 0 comments
Labels: Big Brother, TV
This weekend for Kip and I has been very relaxing. We are just hanging out around the house. Kip is playing video games and I am trying to read the latest Harry Potter book front to back in two days. I'm half way done, and I'm sad to say that unless I stay up until midnight tonight (not happening) then I probably won't finish it until later this week. I haven't been feeling well all weekend and so I've been in bed taking medicine, sleeping, and of course reading. It's been nice in Boise, less than 100 degrees and sunny. I'm pretty sure it's nice at least, I don't think that I've been outside yet.
Yesterday (Saturday) we had to go pick up Drea's cat from the vet and take her home. She has a drain in her side and she was so scared and sad, but I was glad that we could help make her feel a little better by getting her home while Drea was at work. I know that she is going to be so happy that Drea is home now, and I hope that someone will work for her so she can stay home with Twitchy.
Mia and Mona have been good girls sleeping with me, and laying with me while I read. They sometimes wander out to the living room to see what Kip is doing. They go outside bark for a couple minutes and run back in to lay with me. So all in all it's been a pretty uneventful weekend. I am trying to feel better before work tomorrow and Kip is trying to decide which video game he wants me to get him for his birthday by renting them and playing to find out which is best!
Also Big Brother is on tonight! So we'll be watching that, and I'm sure posting on the outcome of tonights epidsode! Until then...
Posted by Prentice at 11:59 AM 0 comments
Labels: weekend
Posted by Prentice at 2:37 PM 1 comments
Labels: Big Brother, TV
Okay, seriously. Amber enough with the crying. I understand that you're emotional, I've been there, I am there, constantly. However, come on! This is getting out of hand, I don't understand what you say when you talk because I'm so used to hearing you and listening to your "cry talk" and I know that you are crying for all the "good" people, but news flash, they don't care, not as much as you do apparently. You're are the ONLY ONE crying about it, whatever it is, you stand alone! Seriously, you aren't doing yourself any favors!
Posted by Prentice at 7:46 PM 1 comments
Labels: Amber, Big Brother, cry
Posted by Prentice at 9:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: Big Brother, TV