Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Picture update
Until I have time to write an official update on our lives, I thought I would just post some pictures for you to enjoy!
We taught Sophie how to read! It's amazing!
Sophie and Mia in an intense discussion about Sophie's bone. Mia obviously thinks it should be hers!
This is my newly remodled scrapbooking room! I'm so excited!
I cut all my hair off!
Sophie and Kip having a talk about something...who knows what!
Posted by Prentice at 8:58 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 23, 2009
I know we haven't been updating this as much as we should, Christie and I have been pretty busy these last few months. I promise we will have more updates coming in the near future but for now I just wanted to give a big congratulations to my bother Bill and his wife Jenna. Jenna is with child and not knowing Bills travel schedule over the last several months we assume he is the father. We are very happy for them and we can't wait to meet our new niece or nephew. By the way I don't know if they have thought of any names yet but I will be taking suggestions to pass on to them. The only qualifying factors for suggestions is the first name has to start with "K" and end in "P" with an "I" in the middle and be only three letters long. So any names you can come up with with those three letters in that order I will gladly pass them on to the glowing couple. Congratulations Bill and Jenna, we love you and whatever we can do for you just let us know.
Posted by Prentice at 8:09 PM 0 comments
Mona & Mia
Sophie (25 pounds)
Sophie just got home at 15 wks old.
Sophie (80 pounds)
Sophie 8 months old
Sophie (130 pounds)