Friday, June 27, 2008
I miss Kip
Posted by Prentice at 8:58 AM 0 comments
Mona Update!
Mona had her ultrasound a week ago, and I got the results earlier this week. The vet says that there was nothing significant on her ultrasound and that all of her organs look good. They didn't see any underline cause of a long term problem and are very please to report that she does not show any signs of cancer or disease! I was so relieved because the Mona is so special and we didn't want her to have to be in pain. This was a very good report from the vet and we are so excited that she may have just had a little bug or some mild bowel irritation. We are going to continue to keep an eye on Mona and make sure that her symptoms do not return. As of now we are just feeding her some mild food and hoping to watch her grown and thrive like normal! I'm so happy that it was a positive report. Mona is feeling better and playful again! She isn't bloated anymore and seems to be just fine! Thank you all for your concern!
Posted by Prentice at 8:42 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
Mona Lisa Prentice
Friday night I took Mona in with a very hard and distended belly. She wasn’t walking very well and it looked like she was pregnant. Kip suggested she may have worms and I immediately took her in for a treatment of worms, because we were convinced that’s what she had. Not the case…
While at the pet ER they took a stool sample from her and verified she did not have any parasites in her stool. She didn’t have worms. Then it became a battle to figure out what she had. They though that maybe she is just having some constipation and sent me home with an antibiotic (to control inflammation and prevent infection) and orders to keep her on a bland diet. I was told to watch her for further inflammation and vomiting.
Saturday night I ended up taking her back to the pet ER because her distention was not getting better…it was getting worse, and although she did not have any vomiting I was concerned and just didn’t feel right about the way she was acting. I opted to go back in and get the X-Ray that we were considering the night before. While I was in there they did blood work and an X-Ray of her and found that the distention was caused by and excessive amount of fluid built up in her abdomen. The blood work showed that her protein was low and something called a BUN (I think Kidney function) was low. They gave her an intestinal protection medication and sent me home with orders to follow up with her primary vet. Under the assumption that this was a very serious condition, a) Heart Disease b) kidney disease c) liver disease or d) gastro intestinal disease. The doctor informed me that the fluid was leaking from one of her organs into her abdomen and that it was a serious problem, to be dealt with sooner rather than later. This of course scared me so much. She’s my Mona, the little baby! I just didn’t want this to make her hurt or upset, or sad. So I cried…all the way home.
This morning (Monday) I took her to the vet at 8:00am and they examined her. I was so nervous to get the phone call; I just want her to be O.K. I just want her to have a little tummy ache and get better! All better!
Around 10:30 I got the call from the vet. Everything is going okay, and he thinks that she has something called Inflammatory Bowel Disease. He thinks that because her protein levels are low, she’s not absorbing nutrients from her food. Because she doesn’t have protein, which holds onto the water in her body, she’s retaining all of that fluid and it’s being leaked into her abdomen. So we now have an appointment on Thursday for an ultrasound! I’m about ready to start a “Save Mona” fund. Let me tell you though, these are the day’s that I’m so glad she and the girls have insurance. Let’s hope they come through and reimburse a lot of this weekend’s cost!
Thank you to everyone who is concerned about Mona and our family. She’s the cutest little babe and I know that many of you are attached to her in your own ways. I know that I am! It’s so sad to know that something/someone you love is ill or in danger one way or another. It’s been a roller coaster, and definitely not one that’s close to the end.
Posted by Prentice at 12:39 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Weight a minute!
We weighed the pups this weekend. On Saturday. Mona was obviously the smallest weighing in at 3lb11oz, Mia at 5lb6oz and then Sophie at 65lb. Just to give you an idea, Mia and Mona combined equal the average weight of a newborn baby...and Sophie at just 7 months today, weighs approximately the same as the average 9year old! HOLY COW! In dog years Sophie is 4years old! So still even in dog years she surpasses most humans! The average 4 year old she surpases that by 30 pounds! Good grief...what did I get myself into. We shall see as she continues to grow I'll keep giving you updates. I just thought those of you who don't get to see the mamoth or the bitties would like to know how it's going. It would take 7.47 of Mia and Mona's (combined as one) to make one Sophie. That is 11.6 Mia's alone and 20.9 Mona's alone...just for one 7month old Sophie...ut oh! We're in troubble...also after weighing her we realized that her food portions go up...doomed!
Posted by Prentice at 1:41 PM 0 comments
Mona & Mia
Sophie (25 pounds)
Sophie just got home at 15 wks old.
Sophie (80 pounds)
Sophie 8 months old
Sophie (130 pounds)